Well school started and both boys seem to be doing wonderful. Reid I was worried about a little because he had no friends in his class and not really any faces he knew either. To top it off ALL his friends were in Dales old 1st grade teachers class, so he was a little upset but has seemed to pop back and has made some new friends. Dale had a few faces he knew but again no real friends but has recess with a few close buddies so that is working out well too. He had to test for the GT (Gifted and talented )class and was really scared, and his GT teacher caught me in the hall the other day and told me about it, so hopefully he performed well and will get it again b/c he really enjoys that and the friends he has in there. Should find out in 2-3 weeks. Macy in her words has "a thousand" girls in her class and has actually has about 8 and is loving it, and most of them have been together since birth so they are very close. I start actually doing my job of computers this week, and as room copy chick for the kids teachers and newsletter nut for both schools. Football is also in full swing and Reid is actually playing this year, and gets the game so much better. Dale is on a team with 8-9 yr olds and actually lots of them are turning 10 now so he is fighting for his spot. He was playing lots initially but a few players were on vacation then and came back and he lost his starting spot and was crushed. I have to admit I was a little ticked too, b/c I see him busting his butt, giving his all, coming home filthy and wiped out and watched as he was told he had the spot and was called out to take it and the coach told him to go back and pulled out another kid.... also to add insult the kid that took his spot initially starts on offense and he felt it unfair that he gets that to start both ways when there are other kids....hard point to grasp as a kid, and he just loves the game so much and wants to play it, but we are pushing through and hoping it will work out. Cheer leading is going well and the girls are alot of fun and are really talented, occasionally the pre teen drama is annoying but none the less a experience. Duke got his birthday gift early ....season UT tickets and he and Dale went to the opener, and LOVED it. There are arguments for who goes to what game and I will probably loose and not make any but if the boys have fun then it is totally worth it, I love that it is another thing the boys can do together and know it will create memories. Sadly now that they will experience the joys of season tickets they will want them every season! Duke is doing well, I think beginning to feel the stress of the job. He is now the man in charge and does not have many folks to rely on for help so he is running around all day. He has had several interviews and is hoping for a few offers so cross your fingers for that. But all in all we are plugging along and wishing for cooler weather and smooth sailing....heres hopin'. Pics to come I had the camera charged and ready and did not take one picture on Saturday....sad but we did go see my sweet little nephew Sammy and he is so stinking cute and fun, the kids loved playing with him wish the visits were closer and longer but such is life.