CHRISTMAS was of course fantastic too... Sam came and celebrated with us for a bit, we went and hung out with my folks and brother...skyped with Brad in cali... kids were spoiled with gifts and sadly now 5 months later I can hardly recall the gifts ...but recall the time and games we played and the laughs... huh lesson?? We also went and ate at Lulus cafe... and had the biggest cinnamon roll ever....soo good defiantly a tradition to keep

New Years was pretty low key just us and the kids but how I like it, some good food and fun drinks and fireworks. 2 Of our neighbors i think bought the stands clean we had the best show in front of our house... it was great! Dogs hated it but hey you cant please everyone.
Jan I started really training for my 1\2 marathon that my friends somehow convinced me to do. I wanted to do a 5k to prove i could run distance since all my life i did sprints and short bursts of energy... never endurance so i started with the couch to 5k back in june of 12... and quickly worked up to 5k daily and then before i knew it they had me signed up for a 1/2. It actually was lots of fun..SOO glad i did it and can cross that off my list. whens the next one??? maybe nov...maybe but now im doing a boot camp daily and loving that.

The boys also did boot camp with Mel Williams a former NFL player... loved it and did it numerous times a week until they started football with the Razorbacks this spring. Season has been good both teams are talanted. Dale plays both sides whole game, and Reid is only on defense for his...which is very different for him.

Macy is doing soccer and LOVES IT ... loves goalie and forward and defender too.... said she likes it more than cheer.... so we may have a decision on our hands for fall. She is playing with some friends on the soccer chicks... the coach gives patches for performance and her jersey is full.

Duke is crazy busy at work and has had lots of turn overs but busy is good so we will take it.
We managed to squeeze in a ski trip to telluride and the kids skied awesome all 3 on blues. It was a treat to have them be able to dress themselves completely alone... the only bad part was i developed abscessed tooth and used snow an ice at every opportunity to numb it... so got that addressed the day we got home... and went back to finally have the permanent put on to realize the tooth behind it was abscessed as well so now have that fixed too and we should be set for a bit i hope.

family fun foam run ... i signed duke and i and the boys up for foam fest a 5k mud run... it was so much fun i bet duke would even do it again...i did a diva run in austin with some girlfriends and actually some cancelled so Tanya was able to run in ones place... which was kinda cool!

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