Wednesday, May 20, 2009


My existence has been a whirl-wind, work if you do not know I am spoiled by my current work environment...good folks, great schedule, so clearly this screams (insert monkey wrench HERE) The cook at the school walked out, over silly reasons, and probably for the best in all honesty. However, this has left myself and Jennifer my other B Team co-hort, to pick up the slack and not to toot our own horn but we are doing a damn good job at it, and it is cooking not rocket science right. So this in and of itself is not bad, but what is killing me is working 5 days a week up from my normal full week of 3. Before you stone me for calling this a work other 2 days are spent cleaning, shopping for food, and getting the kids whatever it is they might need, and pick up dog mess and do the bon bons and TV time is not really happening. My house is on the verge of being declared a disaster zone....which if it comes with some sort of funding for a cleaning crew the bring it on. And cooking all morning really does not lend itself to wanting to cook at night at my own we are surviving on what numerous folks would consider junk but hey its food. So if you want a job as a cook drop me a line...I'll hook you up.

We had rain last weekend which we really needed but it tossed another money wrench into ones...we arrive at the fields to dark skys and once parked in a front row spot which you can NEVER get....the games are called and MASS EXIT OS occurs and about 1000 cars must file out of one lane....we are talking 10-12 soccer fields, and 6 Baseball fields worth of kids and took 1 hour & 15 mins to get out...his game is only 50 mins...yea for the DVD player and snacks...but no juice b/c it was a down pour outside the entire time, and I was not about to add to my problems. Look out the rear window...thats alot of cars

However my mom and dad came b/c my dad had a band gig at a mall and so we went and saw that and enjoyed Great American Cookie Company Cookies...soooo good, and dad wasn't half bad either!! Go Bepaw!So we arrive home and the boys ....Duke included, built a track Lego display on the pool table....complete with grandstands, concession stand, and entrance booth ticketer, and a ton of cars and trucks and have since added houses pools, gardens, hot tubs, garages. I am just glad it is no longer on the kitchen table. look close this is a star studded event...sponge bob, yoda, jedi, spiderman, mr. crabs...this was the place to bethats a big burger dude... Duke insisted ALL people had to have hair or hats b/c he despises the Lego point on their heads
And our butterflies hatched and we released them into the world....this was really cool to watch and the kids LOVED it. Top it off with football and soccer and I am seriously ready for summer and a break.Macy with Coach Gary doing calls with the players at the end of practice....seriously so cute and I think she has a crush on him...just a little. She manages to get dirty at practice from Dukes pig pen gene I assume, and I told her she needed to stay clean, b/c Gary doesn't want to pick up a dirty little girl, and she last night she was desperately whipping her face and hands clean on her shirt so he would pick her up to do the calls. I really want to get a video of it ...maybe Thursday.

Reid had his poetry picnic today at school and he performed Lazy Jane by Shel of my favorites

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