Sunday, November 11, 2007

Plates Plates Plates

So last year I decided to make my immediate family these Christmas cookies plates...they were cute and pretty easy to do. My Mom loved the idea and commissioned me to do plates for all her real estate clients of the year and a couple for her personally to give......25 plates in total. So I get the plates, paints, and sealer in 3 trips to separate Targets, and Michaels and Hobby Lobby and chose Friday as the day to start took all day 8 am to 8 pm but they are done and I have one coat of sealer on if you get one for Christmas from my Mom....act surprised. You might be thinking....where were the with me making forts and playing games...they were really really good at occupying themselves for me, surprisingly no catastrophes happened.

1 comment:

carolyn said...

i love your cute plates, so creative Susan!