's the sport of kings .....better than diamond rings.... well that is debatable but none the less it consumed our weekend.
We bagan Friday with pictures. Which on a personal note why does it seem that all picures are stressfull...demanding the kids do a natural smile on cue, and then the pleading...ugg I am not a big fan of pictures can you tell?? We did the kids individually and then their respective groups. For groups, I was in charge of Macy, Duke maned Dale and Reid. Reid...did great but possibly had a forced grin, but appeared pleasent, Dale did well except for his "football face," in the last shot , and Macy...well lets just say that by the time it was time to take the group picture she had been standing in the same place ready for the picture for 15 mins, the photographer was unhappy with the line up and changed it and changed it. SO then the simple command... put you hands on hips....hers were up under her arms like chicken wings, then the next one she resembled a body builder flexing complete with a grr face and arms bowed infront of her body, one she is looking sideways....ugg a disaster..but a memory none the less forever recorded. Then saturday...early...too early on a Saturday in my opinion but at the crack of dawn we drove to the games in Pflugerville. Reid's team stomped the hawks 36-0., Reid played defense.... and Dales beat their Hawk team 19-0.
Dale played both ways and did some amazing runs and blocks....he was very pleased with himself and so were we, and he scored the extra point!
Dale running
Dale Tackling
the end is Macy doing a her cartwheel...which is more like a flop...but she tries....I have another great run of Dales, and Macy cheering but these videos take a LONG time to load so maybe tomorrow.
Also a huge plus was that Uncle Scott, Aunt Tanya and baby Sam came to see them and brought freinds Matt, Stacey, and baby Kendall. It was a huge treat to see them, since we have not seen Sam for well....too long. Here is Sam in his stinking cute huh.
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