Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Human Body

The inner dialogue of the human body must be very interesting. This past week my body has been less regular than one would hope so there were chats between myself nurse and myself patient. I assume they went like this
day 2
nurse : so any progress
patient: no but I am upping my water'll work out

day 3:
Nurse: anything???
Patient: NO but I am hopeful

Day 4:
Nurse: you know there are products...
Patient: fine pants are tight

Day 5 Drug scene:
looking at the pills that tout gentle relief, all sealed in their shiny silver sheet, with no box b/c I threw that part away some time ago...I debated. One pill? or Two? I do not remember...well more is better right so two. Toss them back with water and forget the entire event really. I assume there were bells and whistles and lights flashing in my belly when they arrived and yells of "open up the red line" "the red line are you crazy that could blow the whole system!" "Marty, the code says... "Lets not get hasty Jim, lets stick a pin in this topic and I address this after lunch."" ohh lunch nice...what are you hungry for...i was thinking Chinese., and it is only noon we have some time yet...." Clearly easily distracted workers which is why we are in this situation... truly good help is hard to find....

Night time action sequence:
fast forward until 2:30 am...and why is this. I could take those pills at 8 am and still it would not be effective until 2:30 am...or I could take it at 2:00 am and it would I bet be effective in 30 mins I assume. Always seems to be a middle of the night appt. probably on a shift change. Ok so I wake up all crampy and feeling like my insides are being stretched out in a line from here to china and is now a walkway for the masses....gentle my a*#...not pun intended. So to the potty I go and over the next 3 hours off and on I successfully engage the lazy colon monitors and force their work and hopefully washed them away as well.

Wrap Up
Next morning no worse for the wear, I am interviewing healthy vivacious colon monitors in my body to run what the lazy ones did not. We will see how that goes over the next weeks probationary period.

Yea I know this is a weird blog topic but I promise you this was my thoughts during the episode the other night...maybe it was the little promising pills that effected my brain activity but none the less my thoughts and feelings. I am afraid to ask...since I process these nutty thoughts am I weird...stupid question to ask when you have already answered it for yourself???

But also wierd how the body can and does deal with medication... My kids were sick with a bug and had fevers and I gave them tylonel and 30 mins later they are bouncing off the walls and seem fine....I know better and am proved it 4 hours later when they crash...but that is crazy how well some of this stuff works....I digress

Sunday, July 05, 2009

The Coons

Duke is a home builder and 3 weeks ago he was prepping to take a home buyer on their final walk of the home to find any small issues and address them. He noticed some debris but just cleaned it up before the walk and decided to address it after the walk. Walk went wonderful, buyers excited and happy. That afternoon he investigated the debris and found the animal in the attic. So he gets traps and sets them in the attic....for 1.5 weeks he gets nothing and is spending tons of time on the Internet researching raccoons, rats, possums to ID the culprit. Finally it is determined it is a raccoon. So last Saturday on our way home from Kerrville we check the trap and SUCCESS a we load the raccoon in the car( my moms borrowed car) and drive 2 miles away to undeveloped green space. Duke who was in flip flops deems his boots will be better protection and puts them on with his shorts...a fine fashion statement....and opens the trap...nada...shakes trap...nada, closes trap and looks for a stick to poke the coon to get it moving. Then decides he can't open the trap and poke so I am to poke....I am in flip flops but when I mention this he says ...your fine...I'll kick it or something if it comes near you. Thankfully brutality is not necessary and it runs away....ahhh deep sigh from Duke as the owners are to close on Tuesday. So he all but skips to the house the next day b/c he won.....NOT.... the coon came back and was NOT happy she scratched the front and back doors all up, tore off the weather stripping at the doors, tore up the bottom of the garage, and got on the roof and tore off shingles trying to get he realizes this might not be over and goes to check the attic and while standing on the attic access ladder and turning to reach for the light a foot from his face is another raccoon! He screams and jumps off the ladder since the raccoon is now hissing at him and in the back saw a 3rd raccoon. So resets all traps again and for 3 days nothing, and has been given authorization to shoot them...which is not the first choice but an option at least. So during these 3 days the buyers cannot close, their interest rate lock has to be extended all their belongings are in a semi and he is picking up the tab on all of this as consolation to the buyers and has also cut 2 ft holes in every room to survey damage done, and in effort to locate the babies....and decides to re-catch mama to use her as bait. The had devoured the entire ac / duct system......NICE so he then made himself a snare, and is crawling all over the attic in welding gloves ...the mighty coon hunter. Thursday morning he catches mama again by re-opening her initial access point the dryer vent but this time it led to a trap. Excited by the progress he ran up and caught a then puts baby with mama and they are so happy they purred. Then he puts mama and baby in the attic surrounded by traps and Saturday morning had success and caught the other baby...which was great b/c we were beginning to think it was dead. So he brought them home for the kids to see and they were cute but dang they can do some damage. He then took them to our land and released them so there is nothing to damage but space to run.But mama tried to get in the last round and bit Dukes glove...did not hurt him at all but shook the glove pretty good...... Good luck coons and good riddance

A busy weekend in pictures

This is was the weekend 2 weeks ago in pictures

Junior Rattlers/ Reagan Rattler Cheer Clinic fun Macy LOVED the cheerleaders here she is in the "mush pot"

Macy actually cheering ...she is the little one in the middle black bowMy freinds daughter (in pig tails) and cheer buddyAllison and Avery stuntin' in up with their buddyMacy coloring with her Cheer Buddy
that occupied us from 7:30-12:30 then at 2:00 we went to the end of season picnic/ pool party
Dale getting his HUGE trophy

Macy getting her HUGE trophy

Macy with her favorite Gary...he is making faces at her

This took us to 5:00 and then we ran home showered and hauled to the river walk for dinner on a boat cruise

Scott and Tanya
Jess, Macy and DaleMacy and Lil SammyGrandma and Bepaw
Jess's high school friend and fianceAnother of Macy and kids LOVE himMe and Duke The whole gang It was a great day....just a really long one.


In the past month we have been car selling and buying fools....this truck Dukes is the only one that we previously had and still own....the lion in the back is not a permanent fixture we loanded it to our kids daycare since they are doing an African Safari Summer what better than and African Lion to hunt.

The new .....well new to me Tahoe...07 z71...very pretty and smooth and even has a remote starter so I can cool it down or warm it up and never actually go outside...niceIt has a brushed aluminum or somthing in place of the wood grain...YIPPIE...wood grain has never been a favorite of mine.... I think looks out of place...but totally personal and its been in past cars but not in this one!
Also this one had the seats I think are soo cool.... quad seating but the two toned colors...Duke says it is wierd but I think it is sharp. And look at all those airducts kiddos are gonna be cold....when it is 100+ I wanna here I am cold....not hot. ( the H2 did not have any rear above your head air ducts = HOT on occasion)So that is my new mommy mobile and I think I am gonna love it....plenty of room to seperate any kids that want or need their space, plenty to entertain them and keep um' cool. And the BEST part is it is paid off payments !!!!!
Finally here is the new toy for Duke that he swapped the other jeep for plus some cash that went to my new truck. So everyone is happy and paid for.