Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What the ....why

So we have come to that fateful day, that I knew would come, but kinda hoped it would not be so soon, as I am certain that it will make my children realize, I am not all knowing, i cannot fix everything ....ahhh it is the road to, the mom knows nothing phase of my life all too soon. Well you might be a smarty and realize that was just a crazy long run on sentence that I just wrote....and yea I know it and I am doing nothing to fix it.
Which bring me to the fateful event... Dales GT grammar homework. He brought home his Homework papers and had all A's except for the grammar pages where he had c's. He claimed he did not care, and why did I, and your not happy unless I'm perfect, my teacher says your too hard on me. So we looked at the questions he missed, and he could not tell me why they were wrong, and which was right on some and neither could I, so I decide we need more practice and head to the internet I search of practice pages and rules. I found a site and it was great ....hard but great and honestly confusing and frustrating that it did not make sense. There were tears and anger and more of why as I so mean, she did not cover that, the highest class score was what I got along with numerous others...which I get but he will be tested on this for TAKS and that score follows him, and effects him, those other kids are not mine, and if I can help him succeed through a little tough work, and just bc your teacher did not cover it you may still need to know it, and I do not expect perfect but I want 100 percent effort, practice makes permanent, and we can do this... even if it means the ps3 has to wait! So I admit it got a bit heated and ended up sad .... We are sooo alike it is scary and not productive in arguments ... But we ended up taking a break after he said something ugly and I walked away and he worked on his own...until he needed help. Then went to make good on a promise to Reid, and I printed off rules and pages, and when daddy came home he assisted with the analytical side of grammar and did an awesome job, and all in all he has a better grasp of the rules and the night ended on a good note with all happy which is what is what's important.

I stink at grammar, I am a good creative writer, and good in any creative thing really, i recently made a diorama of his school, and helped create his float and he even said I rocked, but clearly not in grammar. So I have been exposed for my flaws and admitted to him, I have always struggled with Grammar.... I got the noun, verb, adverb, adj, predicate... Thanks to school house rock DVDs... But some of the other stuff is confusing .... And to any grammar hound I am sure reading this is painful with all the run ons and .....'s but hey I am not writing this to turn it in it is for documentation but on that note if anyone has any tips on how to help Dale, am open to hear them.

I other news Macy is a reading fool.... So proud of her and she has been picked for GT testing ... And I a kinda worried since this will leave Reid out but nit is not his nature he is bright but not self motivated or a creative problem solver....he wants the rules and guidelines.... And although I don't care he's my Reid and he's perfect and honestly the one kid I rarely butt heads with, which I love and makes him super special to me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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