Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Memo to the Universe

So we are sitting around watching Dancing with the Stars last night and my kids are dancing. Dale is tangoing across the floor arms stretched out, Macy is spinning and bopping in circles and and Reid is flopping on the floor like a mamed fish. Duke says Reid is break dancing and Dale stops and looks at Duke and says "is he gonna break dancing for all of eternity?" Yes.....memo to the Universe dancing has now been Broken and will reamin so for all eternity!

So our little princess turned 2 today.....sniff sniff....where did my baby girl go? I said when she was born if I can get through this next year I can do anything....then when she was 1 I said the same thing....now 2....can I use this phrase for the next 15 years or is that too much? Cupcakes at school and a killer cake this weekend and family coming to celebrate...what more could you ask for.

Ankle update....I went to the Dr at the urging of my neighbors and spouse and it is not broken......I just tore all the ligaments.....and have to start physical therapy....and wear this ugly boot contraption.....and it is BLACk from ankle to toes .....a very becoming look for spring!

Ok well off to the CPA ......Uncle Sam is waiting for us this year I am afraid.....oh well guess I should be happy that I have something to pay taxes on right.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thats what running gets you!

Ok so after agreeing to work today in the office.....I think I should have re-thought it.... I vow early on in the day to a friend I wanna loose a couple of pounds and find my swim suit body.....Murphy heard this and clearly placed another friend infront of me with in the hour with doughnuts.....I ate them.....they were GOOD. So then a bit later an insurance adjuster shows up to look at a teachers car....I go to find and relieve her, she is at the gym....I RUN to the gym....OK curse 2, Murphy sees this and puts a rock under my foot and I TOTALLY wreck my left ankle. My ankle is the size of a softball, and it hurts so bad....I limp to the gym, relieve her, limp back to the office and finish my time and leave.....stop at CVS buy an inflatable cast and get Dale, come home and duke helps me take off the boots I was wearing and then I had to go register Dale for school at what may be his new school....I want to have him registered at his current and possible schools and see what develops with the house....since they are both tight on enrollement I do not want to miss out later. My 6 yr old is helping me walk.....very sweet but pathetic, I opted to skip the grocery store but was going to use a driving cart and might even do so tomorrow....NICE.....Duke offered to get milk for me, so the kids will not go w/o the essentials.....Chocolate and Strawberry milk. MY highlight is that I went to the jewelers and recieved back my wedding ring, IT IS BY FAR THE MOST BEAUTIFUL RING I HAVE EVER SEEN! I called Duke and said I am dying.....he said your ankle.....yea it hurts but I am dying because I got my ring back and it is amazing.....now at home my ankle is throbbing and UGLY but we have tball practice tonight and I should take Dale.....Should ....see my brain has allread made up its mind to NOT go and is quickly convincing the rest of me. It is only Tball RIGHT? uggg....so the ugly day has a great end .....and my kids had good days at school which they normally do but since we are pointing out the good here they have GREAT teachers...Mrs Becky, & Mrs Kathy are hands down the absolute best teachers on the entire planet.....they take such good care of Macy .....really I am so lucky to have that .....and a killer ring....and cool car and cute kids.....and great hubby.....ohh see now I am getting confident.....I guarantee it will be short lived b/c when I am done here I am gonna walk across the kitchen to change Macys diaper....which is poo....MURPHY and I am a gimp.......could be entertaining to watch me try and chase her down.........THATS WHAT RUNNING GETS YOU!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Anniversary

Ok so today is 9 years for Duke and I....yea....we have come so far in 9 years, seems so short yet also a lifetime. He is an awesome husband and great daddy and the best friend to have....as it should be. So in nine years we have had 3 kids, 10 vehicles, 4 living spaces, 2 of which we owned, 4 great parents, 3 great brothers and 3 great sister in laws and some awesome nieghbors and stable jobs.....I call it a successful 9 years. So Duke suprised me with an heirloom upgrade to my wedding ring that is gorgeous and Sam got me a watch....that is gorgeous as well. We ate at Red Robin with is very casual but then we are pretty casual people since we ate our wedding night at IHOP at 3 a.m. since we failed to eat at the reception and somehow the to-go noshes did not get to the limo for us. So to keep tradition going we are going to IHOP tonight for dinner with the kids to celebrate our families 9th birthday....which is great b/c they eat really well there.

For spring break I have taken on purging my house so I am on my 3 load to the salvation army....My closets and drawers have never been happier but since all of this is hidden behind doors it looks like nothing has changed....BOO HISS....but man o man we had a bunch of crap and still do but now much less....

So tomorrow we have our television debut....Newmark homes is filming a local commercial and we are going to be in it....in the background at a BBQ and cooking....should be interesting and I will let you know how it goes....Macy will color on a wall, Reid will crack open his head, and Dale will be mad that there is no playstation and I MIGHT be in a corner sucking my thumb....ta ta for now I have to fold clothes in my NON Model home.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Conspiracy Theroy

I think that the Health Care industry has tainted the water in San Antonio this year. Case and Point....my kids....they have been so sick this year.....the flu, strep, strep, the tummy bug, you name it. But I think they get worse when being treated....is that possible. Reid was diagnosed yesterday afternoon at his WELL child physical ....positive for strep.....Macy has it today.....no fevers.....no congestion, Reid, a cough, but Macy, nothing. I guarantee in 3 days they will be snotty and congested....GUARANTEE....happens every time. And not to mention the diareaha that will follow the antibiotics and then as a topper Macy will get a secondary infection from the antibiotics...now this all sounds like a picnic right. At this point we are on toothbrush number well into the teens as I have to buy new ones each time strep enters the house, I personally am keeping oral B in business. Duke just got home so thud ends my pc time.....

Friday, March 02, 2007

Do you know what today is?

Howdy Partners, Happy Birthday Texas, Today March 2, is Texas Independance Day.....YEE HAW.

The ONLY reason I know this is Dale is using up some of his 15 mins of fame on the morning announcements at school today. He has to say the above speal....all but the Happy Bday Texas....his freind Jacob says that. He is a little nervous but he is such a ham I am sure he will be fine. Last night he was tossing a cowboy hat and had a goofy accent and all!

So Duke is pretty recovered from the Deer attack.....a super briused side is all that remains.

So we are in the process of hopefully building a new house.....and a kids room decor magazine came in the mail.....my boys decide to pick their rooms.....and then we decided to draw their rooms. Reid has 3 kitchens, a living room, and a bed the size of a peanut, and cars and trucks everywhere. Dale has a spider bed complete with legs, a dinorsaur on the celing eating another dinosaur with a man running away.....black sheets on the walls draped like a cave, and a special dresser for his Action Figure Club.....yea he has his own club.....how rough is it when you can be booted from a club of plastic guys on the whim of a 6 yr old....and he does kick guys out....they meet in the playroom, on the side of the TV armiore in a small cooler/clubhouse.....well they outgrew the bus they traveled in. So anyway back on point with the rooms and decor.....should be interesting when we get to the point of decorating those rooms in actuality.

We have a BUSY day planned today, we have to vaccuum my car b/c then whole fam-damly is coming this weekend and Brad has yet to drive my H2 and am sure he will .....and can't make him drive it with random goldfish on the floorboard, action figures, cars, and baby dolls roaming around it.....I think it would kill the "I'm a BadAss factor," for him....and I have to replace my Chicken on the front at some teenagers at Target stole my latest one.....926 MMD is their plates.....so if you see them around the Stone Oak area in an old little Ford Bronco.....tell them off for me. I swear I had one on my 2 door Tahoe and on one EVER messed with it......and now on the Hummer this is number 3 in a year.....I guess they are jealous of my quirky sense of humor and just have to copy me.....either that or maybe they just freed it and took it across the road? We also have to hit the Harley Davidson dealer to get Bepaw a gift for his birthday.....I am thinking riding chaps.....NICE and a corvette key chain for the keys. Since he is getting a Harley in place of the vette he wants. And the grocery store....yep that is the day and it sounds SO simple but remember I am taking Reid and Macy.....and if you read the Walmart blog there is no telling how much of an adventure it will become, because Reid loves motorcycles and so he will want one or 10 things there....the store has Candy ..... and I am sure all my HELP I will recieve cleaning the car will be WONDERFUL and so peaceful.....yea right...... Life is a CARNIVAL RIDE here.