Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Poo Pooie Do

Reid was diagnosed with Strep and so we started antibiotics.....and imodium, and bleaching the bathroom floors, washing soiled clothes and trashed some too. YUCK , Reid who has been potty trained since 2.5 years old now can't contain the poo. So I tried give the meds more times a day with a lesser amount that has helped marginally. He cries when it happens and bless his heart that he tries to clean it up and "fix it." So I am waiting for my other kids to get it....and nothing, mild sigh of relief but then Macy starts with the poo thing too. I am a huge advocate of Huggies Diapers...my feeling are Huggies hold, and do not leak. I have had probally 3 leaky diapers for her thus far in her life until this week. We head to the pumpkin patch and she blows out 3 diapers in 1.5 hours, so we head home in a borrowed diaper and only a borrowed diaper as I have used all the extra clothes in the car. Only to blow out more. So lets just say I have a Full Box of Wipes, bag of diapers to diaper a community but hey I am prepared for next time.

Totally unrelated but I am gonna try and post a picture ....ohh it worked this is my Sister in Law Carolyn and Brother in Law Troy and my kids. Would LOVE to say I look that amazing but no such luck. But at least she is related to me. Kinda like 6 degrees of seperation to beauty. Have a good one all!

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